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====Spuri uzanton====
====Spuri uzanton====

These pages are only available to those in membergroups granted the permission to ''Moderate forum members''.
Tiuj ĉi paĝoj estas disponeblaj nur al tiuj anogrupoj, kiuj rajtas ''moderigi''.

*'''Activity''' - Here, you can view the Most recent IP address used by the member along with the IPs used in messages, IPs used in error messages and Members possibly in the same range. Below that is any error messages caused by that member.
*'''Activity''' - Here, you can view the Most recent IP address used by the member along with the IPs used in messages, IPs used in error messages and Members possibly in the same range. Below that is any error messages caused by that member.

Revision as of 22:40, 25 May 2013

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Profilo enhavas multe da informoj pri forumano. En la profilo vi povas ŝanĝi viajn forum-preferojn, aldoni subskribon, profilbildon kaj ankaŭ kontaktinformojn. Kutime aliaj uzantoj povas vidi vian profilon, krom se administristo malpermesas tion.

Rigardante sian propran profilon, forumano rimarkos multe da diferencoj kompare kun la profiloj de aliaj uzantoj, krom se li estas administranto aŭ ricevis aldnonajn atingopermesojn.

Administranto povas vidi la profilojn de forumanoj same kiel tiuj anoj vidas sian propran profilon. La administranto fakte havas ankaŭ pliajn agordo-eblojn rilate la profilojn de uzantoj, kio ebligas al li administri ĉiujn profil-opciojn de ajna ano.

Profilo havas tri sekciojn, kiuj dividas la agordojn kaj opciojn. Vi trovos ĉi tiujn opciojn en la menuo, kiu troviĝas maldekstre de ĉiu profilpaĝo.



La resuma sekcio enhavas bazajn informojn pri forumano. Uzantoj povas ankaŭ vidigi aliajn informojn pri si en tiu ĉi sekcio, se ili tion volas. Administrantoj povas konfiguri SMF-forumojn en diversaj manieroj, do la informoj videblaj en la profilo povas multe diferenci inter forumoj.

Profile summary.jpg

Forumano povas rigardi sian propran profilresumon je ajna tempo per klako al Profile en la ĉefa menupanelo. Anoj povas ankaŭ rigardi la profilresumojn de aliaj uzantoj per klako al la nomo de la uzanto, kiel montrata en la forumo. En resumo kutime estas jenaj informoj:

  • Videbla nomo - ano povas elekti videblan nomon, kiu estas malsama ol la uzantnomo.
  • Anogrupo - se ano apartenas al specifa anogrupo, tiam ĝia nomo estas montrata. Alie, aperas nur la nomo de la afiŝbazita anogrupo.
  • Piktogramoj pri komunikado - Se uzanto aldonis kontaktdetalojn kiel retpoŝtadreson, ICQ, AIM aŭ adreson de retejo, tiam informoj pri tio aperas en la formo de piktogramoj.
  • Salutstato - se ano ne elektis kaŝi sian salutstaton, estas montrate en la profilo, ĉu li estas ensalutinta aŭ ne.
  • Aldoni al amikoliston - se administranto ebligis uzon de amikolistoj, forumanoj povas aldoni aliajn uzantojn al siaj listoj.
  • Sendi PM - forumano povas sendi privatan mesaĝon (PM) al alia uzanto.
  • Montri afiŝojn - vi povas vidi ĉiujn mesaĝojn de la uzanto.
  • Montri statistikon - eblas vidi diversajn statistikaĵojn rilate uzanton.
  • Uzantnomo - forumano uzas sian uzantnomon por ensaluti en la forumon.
  • Afiŝoj - la forumo kalkulas la nombron da afiŝoj de ĉiu uzanto, kaj ĝi ankaŭ kalkulas la mezuman nombron da mesaĝoj afiŝitaj ĉiutage.
  • Retpoŝto - ano povas kaŝi sian retpoŝtadreson, se li volas.
  • Propra titolo - iuj anoj havas ankaŭ propran titolon.
  • Sekso - oni povas elekti ne malkaŝi sian sekson, tiuokaze informo pri tio ne aperas en la profilo.
  • Aĝo - tio ĉi aperas en la profilo nur, se uzanto tion elektas.
  • Loko - tio ĉi aperas en la profilo nur, se uzanto tion elektas.
  • Dato de registriĝo - la profilo montras la daton, kiam uzanto registriĝis.
  • Loka tempo - uzantoj povas esti de ajna loko en la mondo, do tiu ĉi informo povas esti interesa.
  • Laste ensalutinta - tio ĉi montras, kiam uzanto laste estis aktiva en la forumo.
  • Subskribo -tio ĉi aperas en la profilo nur, se uzanto tion elektas.

Montri afiŝojn

Per klako al Montri afiŝojn oni povas vidi ĉiujn afiŝojn de uzanto, krom se administranto forigis ilin. Eblas elekti inter:

  • Mesaĝoj - listo de ĉiuj mesaĝoj de uzanto.
  • Fadenoj - listo de la unua afiŝo de ĉiu fadeno, kiun la uzanto starigis.
  • Dosieroj - listo de ĉiuj dosieroj, kiujn la uzanto alŝutis al la forumo.

Montri statistikon

Se klaki al Statistiko en la profilo, oni povas vidi diversajn interesajn informojn.

  • Suman tempon ensalutinta - la forumo kalkulas la tempon dum kiu uzanto estas ensalutinta.
  • Afiŝoj entute - tio ĉi montras la nombron da afiŝoj, kiun faris uzanto, ekskluzive de forigitaj afiŝoj.
  • Fadenoj entute - ekskluzive de forigitaj afiŝoj, tio ĉi montras la suman nombron da fadenoj, kiujn uzanto starigis.
  • Enketoj entute - ekskluzive de forigitaj enketoj, la forumo kalkulas la suman nombron da enketoj, kiujn kreis uzanto.
  • Enketo-voĉoj entute - eksluzive de forigitaj voĉdonoj, tio ĉi montras la nombron da voĉoj donitaj de la uzanto.
  • Aktiveco de afiŝado laŭ horo - tio ĉi montras la horojn de tago, dum kiuj la uzanto plej aktivas en la forumo.
  • Plej popularaj forumpartoj laŭ nombro da afiŝoj - tiu ĉi statistikaĵo montras, en kiuj forumpartoj la uzanto plej ofte afiŝis mesaĝojn.
  • Plej popularaj forumpartoj laŭ aktiveco - tiu ĉi statistikaĵo montras, kie la ano plej aktivis rilate al la suma nombro da afiŝoj (de ĉiuj uzantoj) en forumparto.

Montri atingopermesojn

Tiun ĉi ligilon estas montrata nur al uzantoj, kiuj apartenas al anogrupo havanta la rajton administri permesojn. Ĝi kondukas al paĝo, kiu montras ĉiujn atingopermesojn de forumano. La paĝo ankaŭ montras ĉiujn forumpartojn, kiujn uzanto ne rajtas vidi. Eblas vidi la lokajn permesojn de forumano en specifa forumparto.

Spuri uzanton

Tiuj ĉi paĝoj estas disponeblaj nur al tiuj anogrupoj, kiuj rajtas moderigi.

  • Activity - Here, you can view the Most recent IP address used by the member along with the IPs used in messages, IPs used in error messages and Members possibly in the same range. Below that is any error messages caused by that member.
  • IP Address - Here, you can track the member's current IP address (or type in a different one) and do things such as view whois records and view other members from the same IP/range. Also you can view messages posted at the IP/range entered and view errors caused by members from that IP/range as well.
  • Profile Edits - This section provide a list of certain actions done on user's profile along with the date and the author of the change. To be able to see these informations the Moderation, Administration and User Logs option must be activated in the Core Features section.

Modify Profile

Account Settings

Members may modify basic account settings by default. These settings control the member's access to their account, as well as when and how they are visible to other members browsing the forum. The following options are available to be modified.

  • Name - While their username cannot usually be changed, a member may change their display name at any time. Other members browsing the forum will see display names instead of usernames in most places.
  • Preferred Language - If enabled by the administrator, a member can select his preferred language for the forum.
  • Email - The email address associated with a member's account may be changed, however a valid email address is required.
  • Allow users to email me - A member may choose to allow other members to contact them via email. The forum does not reveal the member's e-mail address, but instead provides a contact form.
  • Show others my online status - If selected, a member will be displayed in the forum's Who's Online list.
  • Change Password - A member's password may be changed at any time.
  • Secret Question - The secret question is used in the event that a member forgets their password. Providing the correct answer aids the member in retrieving the password.
  • Current Password - The member's current password is required to make any changes to their account settings.

Forum Profile

In addition to basic account settings members also have the option of filling in additional, more personal information. None of these fields are required, and users often choose to leave some or all of them blank.

  • Avatar - An avatar is a small picture or graphic associated with a member. Some forums may allow members to upload or link to external avatars, while others may only allow members to select from a provided set of images.
  • Personal Text - The personal text is usually displayed directly underneath a member's avatar when they post.
  • Birthdate - When a member provides their full birthdate, their age is calculated and displayed on their profile. If the calendar feature is enabled, it is also placed on the calendar. Particularly self-conscious members may choose to omit the year in which case their birthday will still be displayed on the calendar, but their age will not be calculated.
  • Location - A member may choose to give a general idea of their location. It is not encouraged (or wise) for members to give their specific location in the form of an address or lat/lon coordinates.
  • Gender - If desired, a member may have their gender displayed. Selecting the blank line will prevent any gender from being displayed.
  • Messengers - Members may provide their various messenger usernames or numbers for clients such as ICQ, AIM, MSN, and YIM.
  • Custom Title - Forum administrators may allow a member to choose their own custom title. Custom titles are displayed below the member's name when posting.
  • Signature - If provided, a member's signature is attached to the bottom of each of their posts.
  • Website - A member may advertise their own web site by providing its URL and a title.

Look and Layout

By default, members may change many different options that affect look and layout to make their forum experience more enjoyable. Some forum administrators may choose to limit these options, but here are the basics.

SMF provides the ability to create and use different themes. Provided there is more than one theme installed, a member may choose the theme that they prefer. They may also customize the time format that the theme uses to display dates and times. Additionally, setting a time offset allows the forum to display dates and times in the member's local time. The forum provides a handy auto-detect feature in case a member does not know what their offset should be.

The following options may be enabled or disabled by selecting their corresponding checkboxes.

  • Show board descriptions inside boards. - The description displayed on the board index will also be displayed on that board's message index.
  • Show child boards on every page inside boards, not just the first. - Each page inside of a board will display a list of child boards if there are any. If disabled, the list will only be displayed on the first page.
  • Use sidebar menus instead of dropdown menus when possible. - If side menus are preferred, they can be used instead of the dropdown menus.
  • Don't show users' avatars.- Some users find avatars annoying, so they may choose to hide them altogether.
  • Don't show users' signatures. - Similar to avatars, signatures may also be hidden.
  • Return to topics after posting by default. - If enabled, a member will be returned to the end of the topic in which they just posted. Otherwise, they will be returned to the message index for that particular board.
  • Don't warn on new replies made while posting. - When other users post while a member is preparing their post, a warning is generated. With this option enabled, those warnings will be hidden.
  • Hide messages posted by members on my ignore list. - Posts from users on a member's ignore list will not be displayed.
  • Show most recent posts at the top. - The display order of posts is switched to reverse chronological when this option is enabled.
  • Show WYSIWYG editor on post page by default. - The WYSIWYG editor removes the need to know BBC. It may be enabled by default when posting.

Members may also choose how many topics to display per page on a board's message index and how many posts to display per page within a topic. There are also options for using quick reply and quick moderation. Quick reply allows members to post to a topic without actually using the posting page. Quick moderation allows members to perform moderation actions on multiple posts or topics more quickly if they have the permissions to do so.


The forum allows a member to switch between using OpenID or a username and password combination to login. In order to switch, however, the account's current password is required.


SMF provides notification options that may prove useful to many members. In addition to the options available below, a member may choose to be notified instantly, daily, or weekly about replies, moderation actions, or both in topics for which they have requested notifications.

  • Receive forum newsletters, announcements and important notifications by email. - Newsletters, announcements, and other notifications will be delivered to the member's email. Even if this option is disabled, forum administrators are able to override it in some instances.
  • Turn notification on when you post or reply to a topic. - When a member posts a new topic or replies to an existing topic, notification for that topic will be turned on automatically when this option is enabled.
  • When sending notification of a reply to a topic, send the post in the email (but please don't reply to these emails.) - Email notifications will include the contents of the posts. These emails should not be responded to.

In this page is also possible to define the frequency of notifications and the actions that will be notified. A member may also see lists of the topics and boards for which they have requested notification. If desired, they may turn notification off for some or all of them.

Personal Messaging

Personal messages allow private communication between two members. SMF provides a variety of options that allow a member to control how private messages are displayed, who is allowed to send them, and how a few more of the features function.

The first two options address how private messages are displayed. If a member chooses All at once, a list of messages is displayed at the top with all of those messages displayed below the list. Selecting One at a time results in only one message being displayed at the top with a list of messages below it. As a conversation mimics the forum functionality, creating a topic-like list of replies. It is highly recommended that a member save their messages in their outbox if they choose to display messages as a conversation. The second option controls the order in which the messages are displayed.

Members may control who is allowed to send them private messages. It can be limited to members not on their ignore list, buddies and administrators, or only administrators.

Notification may be enabled in order to receive emails when private messages are received on the forum. Additionally, a popup message may also be enabled to notify a member of new messages.

The last two available options are the following.

  • Save a copy of each personal message in my outbox by default - When sending a message, a copy of it is saved in a member's outbox automatically. This option should be enabled when viewing messages as a conversation.
  • Remove the inbox label when applying another label - When a new label is applied to a message, the inbox lable is removed.

Buddies/Ignore List

Inevitably, there will be times when members get along great and times when personalities clash. SMF provides a way to handle both instances. The buddy list allows members to keep track of users they enjoy talking to, while the ignore list hides users they don't want to see.

  • Edit Buddies - Members may add or delete other members from their buddy list.
  • Edit Ignore List - Members may add or delete other members from their ignore list.

Group Membership

Profile groupmembership.jpg

Some forums may provide free groups that can be joined whenever a member pleases, as well as special groups that require the member to submit a join request.


Send personal message

Click this link to send a Personal message to the member whose profile you are viewing. Permission to send personal messages are needed in order to see this link.

Profile subscription1.jpg

Some forum administrators may choose to utilize SMF's paid subscriptions feature. This feature makes it easier for members to order, pay for, and keep track of their paid services. They may subscribe to one of these services by simply selecting the Order button corresponding to the subscription they desire.

Profile subscription2.jpg

The forum also lists a member's existing subscriptions if they have any.

Ban This User

On this page you can ban the member whose profile you are viewing from your forum. Only members that have the permission Manage ban list can see this link in the side menu and perform the action. As with deleting an account, use this option with care. Note, this link is merely a link that will direct you to the Add new ban section of the admin panel with some details already filled out about the member you are about to ban.

Delete This Account

Profile delete.jpg

Should a member decide that they no longer want to be part of a forum, they may delete their account. The member's current password is required to carry out this task. Also, some forum administrators may restrict members' ability to delete their accounts.
