SMF1.1:Calendar administration From Online Manual

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If you're looking for calendar as a regular user, see calendar

Please see SMF1.1:Calendar administration or SMF2.0:Calendar administration depending on the version of SMF you are using.

Calendar Settings

In the Calendar page you can control various settings relating to the calendar on your forum. Such settings as, enabling and disabling the calendar, the membergroups allowed to: see the calendar, create events, and edit any events. Along with the default board to post calendar events to and the color that events, birthdays and holidays will show as on the board index, and much more.

  • Enable the calendar - Check the box to activate the calendar. The calendar can be used for showing birthdays, or for showing important moments happening in your community. Remember that usage of the calendar (posting events, viewing events, etc.) is controlled by permissions set on the permissions page or the calendar page in the admin panel.
  • Membergroups allowed to view the calendar - Check the groups that can see the calendar.
  • Membergroups allowed to create events - Check the groups that can post new calendar events.
  • Membergroups allowed to edit their own events - Check the groups that can edit events that they personally have posted.
  • Membergroups allowed to edit any events - Check the groups that can edit events that anyone has posted.
  • Show days as link to 'Post Event' - This will allow members to post events for that day, when they click on that date.
  • Show week numbers - Check to show which week it is.
  • Max days in advance on board index - Show how many days in advance to show calendar events on the board index. For example if this is set to 7, the next week's worth of events will be shown.
  • Show holidays - Select between showing holidays nowhere, in calendar only, on the board index only, or both the calendar and board index.
  • Show birthdays - Select between showing birthdays nowhere, in calendar only, on the board index only, or both the calendar and board index.
  • Show events - Select between showing events nowhere, in calendar only, on the board index only, or both the calendar and board index.
  • Default board to post events in - Choose the default board to post events in.
  • Allow events not linked to posts - Check to allow posting of events that are not posted as a topic.
  • Show linked events in topic display - Check to show a link to the event of the event's topic.
  • Minimum year - Select the "first" year on the calendar list.
  • Maximum year - Select the "last" year on the calendar list.
  • Birthday color - Select the color of the birthday text.
  • Event color - Select the color of the event text.
  • Holiday color - Select the color of the Holiday text.
  • Allow events to span multiple days - Check to allow events to span multiple days.
  • Max number of days an event can span - Select the maximum days that an event can span.

Manage Holidays

On the Manage Holidays page of the Calendar section of the Administration panel you can edit existing holiday events and add new ones.

First you will see a listing of all of the holiday events already added to your forum's Calendar. Next to that is the date of the event and next to that is a checkbox that you can check and click the Delete Selected button located at the button of the page to delete the holidays you selected.

By clicking on the title of a holiday event you will be taken to a new page where you can edit that holiday's title, year, month and date. You can also remove the event from that page by clicking on the Remove button.

At the bottom of the page is a link: Add New Holiday. Clicking this will allow you to add a new holiday to the Calendar. The page you go to when you click on the link looks the exact same as when you edit an existing Calendar event.

You will be able to give the holiday a title, along with the day, month, and year of the holiday.






