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Latest revision as of 10:01, 23 April 2022

Instalarea unui forum SMF este foarte simpla! Instalarea se poate face in 6 pasi simpli si rapizi.

Nu este recomandat sa folositi un auto-installer pentru a instala SMF, deoarece multe dintre acestea pot avea probleme sau pot deruta utilizatorii pe viitor. Instalarea manuala a SMF-ului nu este dificila si va v-a ajuta umpic mai bine sa intelegeti cum functioneaza.

Forumul SMF este un software gratuit care poate fi instalat pe un server web. Pentru a-l instala, ai nevoie de un server web cu PHP, si acces catre baza de date. Puteti creea o baza de date (asigurati-va ca ati notat toate datele importante ale bazei de date). Va rugam sa vizualizati requirements and recommendations pentru mai multe informatii de care aveti nevoie inainte de instalare.

Mai bine spus, aici aflati tot ce trebuie sa faceti. Restul sunt doar detalii:

Acum, pentru detalii...

Creearea unei Baze de Date

Dupa ce ati creeat baza de date, asigurati-va ca ati notat numele bazei de date, numele de utilizator al bazei de date, si parola. Ve-ti avea nevoie de acestea mai tarziu, cand rulati instalarea. Un forum SMF necesita o baza de date pentru a stoca toate informatiile despre membrii, mesajele si subiectele postate. Puteti folosi instrumentele providerului de gazduire web pentru a creea baza de date si utilizatorul acesteia.

Creearea unei Baze de Date folosind PHPMyAdmin

Majoritatea serviciilor de shared hosting dezactiveaza aceasta optiune. In cazul in care aceasta optiune este activata, baza de date poate fi creeata din pagina principala PHPMyAdmin.

Creearea unei Baze de Date folosind Panoul de Control

Majoritatea serviciilor de shared hosting dezactiveaza posibiliatatea de a creea o baza de date din PHPMyAdmin. Daca serviciul de gazduire ofera panou de control, atunci acesta poate fi folosit pentru a creea o baza de date. Selectand optiunile "MySQL Databases" sau "Database Wizard" veti fi dusi pe o pagina unde puteti creea o baza de date. Pe diferite hostinguri, aceste optiuni pot avea numele diferit.

SMF 2.0 suporta MySQL, are PostgreSQL si SQLite. SMF 1.1 suporta doar baze de date MySQL.

Crearea numelui de utilizator pentru baza de date

Un nume de utilizator pentru baza de date poate fi creeat din panoul de control al serviciului de gazduire pe care l-ati ales. Selectand optiunile "MySQL Databases" sau "Database Wizard" veti fi dusi pe o pagina unde puteti creea un nume de utilizator pentru baza de date. Pe diferite hostinguri, aceste optiuni pot avea numele diferit.

Numele de utilizator pentru baza de date necesita urmatoarele permisiuni: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, ALTER, DELETE, si INDEX. Alte permisiuni suplimentare pot fi acordate, daca doriti.

Descarcarea forumului SMF

Primul pas este de a lua o copie a software-ului SMF. Folosind browser-ul d-voastra, puteti descarca in calculatorul d-voastra ultima versiune de SMF. Toate descarcarile SMF-ului pot fi gasite pe SMF downloads. Ultima versiune recomanda o puteti gasi pe

Extract the SMF Archive and Upload the Files to Your Website

The SMF install archive contains files that need to be copied to the correct place on your website before the installer can be executed. Wherever these files are located on the server, that is where your forum will be located. Extracting before uploading is usually the simplest method. If your host provides the necessary tools, you can try uploading before extracting.

You will need to use either FTP (in binary mode) or the tools in your hosting account's control panel (for more information on the control panel supplied by your hosting service, please see the documentation provided by your hosting service).

SMF can be uploaded to the site root, or to a directory on the site, such as

Extracting Before Uploading

This is the way most people do it. It is easy, but can take longer.

  1. Extract the archive, usually by right-clicking the archive and selecting the "Extract All" option. When the install archive is extracted, a new folder should be created with all the files and directories in the correct places.
  2. Set your FTP client for binary transfer, select all the files and folders and copy them to the directory where you want to locate your forum.

Uploading Before Extracting

Some control panels, such as cPanel, give the ability to extract an archive right on the server. This can be a quicker than waiting for all the extracted files to copy via FTP. First, upload the file via your account's control panel. Second, select the extract option to extract the archive to the desired location -- the directory where you want your forum to be located.

Set File and Directory Permissions

File and directory permissions control who can see your files and use your directories. They can control whether you will be able to install mods to your forum. On Linux and other Unix-like servers the chmod command is used to designate permissions. On most servers, a setting of 755 for directories and 644 for files will work. If this does not work on your hosting service, you may need 777 or 775 for directories, and 666 or 664 for files. Some hosts do not allow using 777 for directories or 666 for files -- using such high values will cause Internal Server Errors, 500 erors, or other errors. If the permission on your files or directories does not make them writable, the SMF installer will report the problem -- if it can detect it.

Note: If a Windows server is being used rather than a Linux server, then you will need to contact your host to change the file/directory permissions.

Setting File Permissions with the Installer

In many cases, the SMF installer can handle this for you. If you want to give this a try, skip this step for now, and wait until you come to the appropriate point in the installer. The installer might need to ask you for FTP login details to get the job done, so be sure to make a note of them. If you run into any problems setting file permissions with the installer, you can use the instructions below for setting file permissions with FTP to handle it yourself.

Setting File Permissions with FTP

Using a control panel or FTP client, file permissions can be changed quickly and easily. Usually, FTP programs will allow permissions to be changed by right-clicking files/directories and selecting "Properties", "Attributes" or "Permissions". The desired numerical value can be entered, or if provided, check boxes can be changed.

Rularea instalerului

Acesta este aproape ultimul pas. Stii unde este directoriul forumului, pentru ca in el ai adaugat fisierele. Deci, acceseaza cu browser-ul tau fisierul install.php din directoriul forumului. De exemplu, ai pus forumul in, in browser accesezi

Acest script va v-a solicita anumite informatii, unele din ele le-ati creeat si notat mai devreme.

Setari de baza ale forumului

Numele Forumului
Numele forumului poate fi setat atunci cand instalati forumul SMF. Implicit, acesta este setat in “My Community”. Acesta poate fi schimbat, dupa, in sectiunea Server Settings din centrul de administrare.
Adresa URL a forumului
Adresa URL a forumului, fara slash la sfarsit (, de exemplu). Instalerul forumului SMF v-a afisa de cele mai multe ori, adresa URL corecta.
Gzip Output
If Gzip output tests pass, use this to save bandwidth and make pages load faster.
Database Sessions
Choose whether to store sessions in the database or in files. Database Sessions is preferred -- they are more reliable, secure and may work better on sites with multiple servers.
UTF-8 Character Set
UTF-8 character sets are useful for international forums, or forums that use languages other than English.
Allow Stat Collection
This option allows Simple Machines to collect statistics from your forum, anonymously, to help the developers understand the needs of the user community.

Database server settings

Database type
The database schema can be selected here from a list of database schemas supported by the server being used. Newer schemas (for SMF 2.0) such as PostgreSQL and SQLite may be listed here if available. MySQL and PostgreSQL are recommended.
Server name
The location of the database is specified here. 99% of the time this will be localhost.
The username used for the database user should be placed here. If help is required, for this, the hosting service provider should be contacted.
The password for the database user is entered here.
Database name
The name used for the database should be placed here. If help is required, for this, the hosting service provider should be contacted.
Database prefix
The prefix for all tables, associated with this install, is specified here. Prefixing tables with unique prefixes enables more than one application, or SMF install, to use the same database, safely.

Creating an administrator account

The SMF installer will ask for information to create the forum's administrator account. This information includes username, password and e-mail address for the administrator account. This account will be necessary to get access to the SMF administration center, to manage and configure the forum.

Finishing the installation process

Once all steps of the installation process have been completed, check the box to remove the install files from the server. If this does not work, they will need to be deleted via FTP. All installer files should be removed from the server once the installation process is complete. SMF does not need them any longer and they are a security risk.

Tidy Up

  • If you haven't already done so, delete install.php. It is a security risk to leave in place, once the install has been completed.
  • Check your File and Folder Permissions. For safety
    • Most directory permissions are set to 544, while most files are set to 444, although this will depend on your server configuration. If in doubt, ask your host what CHMOD settings should be used for files and directories.
    • The only exceptions are your root forum directory, the attachments and cache directories, which may need to be set as high as 777 on some servers (this setting will cause 500 errors on other servers).
