SMF2.0:Paid subscriptions From Online Manual

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Paid subscriptions is a method to give forum benefits to your users in exchange of a monetary donation or payment. With this function, you can choose the name of the donation, amount and a membergroup that will be automatically assigned to the user once the payment is done and other options.

From here you can edit the payment methods available to your users. To view this area, you must enable it via the Core Features page.

Enabling the Paid Subscriptions

The Subscriptions must be enabled first. To achieve this, you must go to Administration Center > Configuration > Core Features and select the option Paid Subscriptions option. Once the setting is enabled, a memebergroup for the subscription must be created. To see how to configurate it, check the Payment Settings.

Once everything is setup, the suscription options must be filled by going to Administration Center > Members > Paid Subscriptions > View Subscriptions. There by clicking the Add Subscription button, the settings for the creation will be display to be set up and create the subscription. To see how to configurate it, check the Subscriptions Settings.

If everything is setup correctly, the users will be able to buy the subscriptions by going to Profile > Actions > Paid Subscriptions.


Note: For subscriptions to be automatically updated for your users, you will need to setup a return URL for each of your payment methods. For all payment types, this return URL should be set as:


You can edit the link for paypal directly, by clicking here. For the other gateways (If installed) you can normally find it in your customer panels, usually under the term "Return URL" or "Callback URL".

Payment Settings

  • Send Notification Emails - Inform the admin when a subscription automatically is payed or changes.
  • Email for Correspondence - Comma-separated list of addresses to email notifications to in addition to other forum admins.

  • Select Currency - Selects the currency (USD, EUR, GBP, etc.) (See More).
  • Enable test mode - This puts the paid subscriptions into "test" mode, which will, wherever possible, use sandbox payment methods in PayPal, etc. Note: The "test" mode must be disabled to make real payments.

  • Paypal email address - The email address which that links the PayPal account. Leave blank if you do not wish to use paypal.

Subscriptions Settings

  • Subscription Name - The name of the subscription.
  • Description - A description of the subscription.
  • Allow user to auto-renew this subscription - Allow users to renew automatically the subscription before this finished.
  • Active - The members must be active to join a subscription.

  • Primary Group upon Subscription - Giving a primary group for users who pay the subscription.
  • Additional Groups upon Subscription - Giving an additional group for users who pay the subscription.
  • Send Reminder Email - Send a reminder email before the subscription is finished.
  • Email to Send upon Completion - Send a email notification once the payment is finished.
    • {NAME} - Name of the user who pay for the notification email (Example: John Doe).
    • {FORUM} - Name of the forum for the notification email (Example: My Community).

  • Subscription for fixed price and period - A fixed price for the subscription in a fixed amount.
    • Cost ($): - The price of the subscription.
    • Length of Subscription - The amount of time the subscription will last.
  • Subscription price varies on duration ordered - The subscription will last depeding on the amount of money the user pays.






