How do I get rid of a Byte Order Mark From Online Manual

Revision as of 18:55, 26 March 2012 by AngelinaBelle (talk | contribs) (fix broken characters by copying UTF-8 from an older version.)
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In some browsers, you see the character  somewhere in your forum, often in the upper left. This is a UTF-8 "Byte Order Mark". It got into one of your forum files when somebody editted and saved that file while editing in UTF-8 mode Microsoft editors are often blamed for adding this mark at the beginning of files.

To solve this problem:

  • Figure out which files have recently been edited
  • One by one, open them in ANSI mode, not in UTF-8 mode (the mark may be hidden if you open the file in UTF-8 mode)
  • Each time you find a file that begins with this character,
    1. If your editor has an option to save the file without the Byte Order Mark, use this option to save the file. In many cases, this will fix the problem. Note that in some cases, this will cause "broken" UTF-8 characters in the file. You can copy text from an older version of the file to replace the "broken" text.
    2. If the above option does not work, edit in ANSI-only mode, remove the mark, and save.
    3. If you need to edit the file in UTF-8 mode, use an editor which will allow you to "save without Byte Order Mark"
