Package-info.xml From Online Manual

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Before reading on, you should know some definitions used in this documentation:

  • element aka tag: an instruction used to tell the package manager what to do. ie <install></install>
  • attribute aka property: an additional value used to describe an element
  • inline: code or text that is written in this file instead of coming from an outside source
  • file: the name or location of a file to be used instead of "inline"
  • location aka path: the location on the computer of a directory and/or file

There are also variables that may be used in place of a path.

  • $sourcedir: The directory where the source files are contained (ie Post.php, Admin.php, etc)
  • $boarddir: The directory where index.php is found. Usually one level beneath the source files are contained.
  • $avatardir: The directory where the avatars may be found
  • $themedir: The directory where the directories of the themes are located
  • $imagesdir: The directory of the images for each theme
  • $languagedir: The location of the directories of language files
  • $smileysdir: The location of the smiley directory

package-info.xml All elements, unless otherwise stated, are not optional and contain no attributes.

  • <package-info></package-info>
  • <id></id>
    • Contains the id of the package. Should be in the format of [username]:[package name]. For instance sleepy:LeetMod When submitting a mod to the mod site, the username should be your username from
  • <name></name>
    • Contains the name of the package.
  • <type></type>
    • The type of package - "avatar", "language", or "modification".
  • <version></version>
    • The package's current version.
  • <install></install>, <upgrade></upgrade>, and <uninstall></uninstall>
    • Actions taken on installation. The elements and their attributes are the same for the install, upgrade, and uninstall elements.
    • Attributes:
      • for: What versions to install/upgrade/uninstall for. Comma delimited string with ranges such as "1.0-1.5,2.0"; optional
      • from: Upgrade Only; What mod versions they are upgrading from. Comma delimited string with ranges such as "1.0-1.5,2.0"; optional
    • Elements:
      • <readme></readme> or <readme /> (for use with type="file" only)
        • Filename of the readme file
        • Optional: Yes
        • Attributes:
          • lang: which language this readme applies to; optional
          • parsebbc: whether or not to parse bbcode in the readme; optional; defaults to false
          • type: "inline" or "file"; defaults to "file"; optional
      • <hook />
        • Adds an integration function
        • Only exists in SMF 2.1 or higher
        • Optional: Yes
        • Attributes:
          • hook: the complete hook name
          • function: the function name. Can be a call to a method via Class::method
          • file: the file. Must include one of the following wildcards: $boarddir, $sourcedir, $themedir, example: $sourcedir/Test.php
          • object: indicates if your class will be instantiated when its respective hook is called. If true, your function must be a method
          • reverse: removes the integration function
      • <credits></credits>
        • Title of the package
        • Only exists in SMF 2.1 or higher
        • Optional: Yes
        • Attributes:
          • url: link to third party website if any
          • license: name of the chosen package license
          • licenseurl: link to the full license contents
          • copyright: copyright year
      • <code></code> or <code /> (for use with type="file" only)
        • Filename of a php file to be executed.
        • Optional: Yes
        • Attributes:
          • type: "inline" or "file"; defaults to "file"; optional
      • <database></database> or <database /> (for use with type="file" only)
        • Filename of a database code to be executed.
        • Only exists in SMF 2.0 or higher
        • Optional: Yes
        • Attributes:
          • type: "inline" or "file"; defaults to "file"; optional
      • <modification></modification> or <modification /> (for use with type="file" only)
        • Instructions to take for a modification.
        • Optional: Yes
        • Attributes:
          • type: if "inline", you may use the <file>, <operation>, <search>, and <add> elements listed in the modification.xml documentation."inline" or "file"; defaults to "file"; optional
            • reverse: reverse the instructions; "true" or "false"; defaults to "false"; optional
            • format: this documentation only covers xml formatted modifications and it is recommended that you use this format; "xml" or "boardmod"; defaults to "xml"; optional
      • <create-dir />
        • Create a new directory.
        • Optional: Yes
        • Attributes:
          • name: the name of the directory
          • destination: the path of the directory where you want to create this new directory
      • <create-file />
        • Create a blank file.
        • Optional: Yes
        • Attributes:
          • name: the name of the file
          • destination: the path of the directory where you want to create this new file
      • <require-dir />
        • Require a directory and all files in it from inside the package.
        • Optional: Yes
        • Attributes:
          • from: the path to the directory
          • name: the name of the directory
          • destination: the path of where you want to put this directory>
      • <require-file />
        • Require a file from inside the package.
        • Optional: Yes
        • Attributes:
          • from: the path to the file
          • name: the name of the file
          • destination: the path of where you want to put this file
      • <move-dir />
        • Move an entire directory. May also be used to rename a directory by moving it to it's parent directory with a different name.
        • Optional: Yes
        • Attributes:
          • from: the path of the directory you want to move
          • name: the name of the directory
          • destination: the path to where you want to put the directory
      • <move-file />
        • Move a file. May also be used to rename a file by moving it to it's parent directory with a different name.
        • Optional: Yes
        • Attributes:
          • from: the path of the file you want to move
          • name: the name of the file
          • destination: the path to where you want to put the file
      • <remove-dir />
        • Remove a directory and all files in it.
        • Optional: Yes
        • Attributes:
          • name: the name and path of the directory to be removed
      • <remove-file />
        • Remove a file.
        • Optional: Yes
        • Attributes:
          • name: the name and path of the file to be removed
      • <redirect></redirect> or <redirect />
        • Redirect after install/upgrade/uninstall.
        • Optional: Yes
        • Attributes:
          • url: the url to redirect to; Required. "$boardurl", "$scripturl", and "$session_id" are accepted.
          • type: inline or file. Whether to use a file or inline text for redirect text.
          • timeout: Time until the redirect occurs. Default: 5 seconds
