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This article needs some work for the following reason: Proofread This template may be removed when cleanup is complete. |
These functions are used throught SMF code in order to deal with different versions of php, different character sets, and different databases.
General Utility Functions
These functions are defined in function reloadSettings, in Load.php. Some of these functions have the same name as standard PHP functions, but were designed to deal uniformly with UTF-8 character sets, HTML entities, and differences in behavior in different versions of PHP. It is recommended that they be used instead of the functions they replace.
- 'entity_fix'
- 'htmlspecialchars'
- 'htmltrim'
- 'strlen'
- 'strpos'
- 'substr'
- 'strtolower'
- 'strtoupper'
- 'ucfirst'
- 'ucwords'
Database Functions
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The following applies only to version 2.0 |
In SMF 2.0, multiple database support was introduced. This was implemented by developers as a new layer of database functions along with a new security model, which provides a fast and secure method to work across database systems. Below is a list of the database functions that currently exist in 2.0. Each of these links will direct you towards a section about that function that will help you understand what each one does, how its input is expected and if possible, the exact duplicate function for mysql. An example is provided as well for most of these, these examples come straight from the SMF Source code.
Please note our Function Database now has the latest SMF 2.0 functions for your information and may help in explaining the functions. They do not use the $smcFunc variables that this guide does. For most of your functions you will see "smf_db_xxx" where xxx is the function name such as "smf_db_insert" that is used by $smcFunc['db_insert'].
Usage $smcFunc['db_query'] (identifier, query, values, connection)
- Works Similar to how db_query worked in 1.x versions.
- identifier is used to identify specific query types in which it is necessary to replace portions of the query for compatability across all Database Management Systems supported by SMF. The query must be written for MYSQL. The db_query function will alter the query.
- 'substring' --- for the SQLite database, SUBSTRING will be replaced by SUBSTR
- See the function smf_db_query in Subs-DB-{dbms}.php for the full list of replacements.
- Values is an array of values you are intending to use in the query.
$result = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT poster_time FROM {db_prefix}messages WHERE id_msg = {int:id_msg} LIMIT 1', array( 'id_msg' => $user_settings['id_msg_last_visit'], ) );
Example with identifier 'substring
$result = $smcFunc['db_query']('substring', ' SELECT m.subject, '. ($mylimit > 0 ? SUBSTRING(m.body, 1, '.$mylimit.') as body : 'm.body'). ', IFNULL(mem.real_name, m.poster_name) AS realName, m.poster_time as date, mem.avatar, mem.posts, mem.date_registered as dateRegistered,mem.last_login as lastLogin, IFNULL(a.id_attach, 0) AS ID_ATTACH, a.filename, a.attachment_type as attachmentType, t.id_board as category, b.name as category_name, array( 'id_msg' => $user_settings['id_msg_last_visit'], ) );
Usage $smcFunc['db_quote'] (query, values, connection)
- Works Similar to how db_query works with the exception of no identifier.
- Values is an array of values you are intending to use in the query.
- Does not execute the query, Formats as if it where going to be and returns the string.
$realNameMatches[] = $smcFunc['db_quote']( '{string:possible_user}', array( 'possible_user' => $possible_user ) );
Usage $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc'] ($result)
- Will return exact same results as mysql_fetch_assoc
while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) $search_params['brd'][] = $row['id_board'];
Usage $smcFunc['db_fetch_row'] ($result)
- Will return exact same results as mysql_fetch_row.
- Emulated while using SQlite with smf_sqlite_fetch_row.
while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($request)) $toDelete[] = $row[0];
Usage $smcFunc['db_free_result'] ($result)
- Will return exact same results as mysql_free_result.
- Emulated while using SQlite with smf_sqlite_free_result.
Usage $smcFunc['db_insert'] (method, table, columns, data, keys, disable_trans, connection)
- Emulated with smf_db_insert.
- Method tells how to change the data. Accepts "replace" "ignore" or "insert".
- Table: the data will be changed on.
- Columns: An array ( column_name => input_type) set that holds all column names that will be changed and their expected input type.
- Data holds an array that must be as long as the column array with all the data that will be used.
- Keys is supposed to hold the tables key information, only appears to affect sqlite and postrgresql (when using "replace") versions.
$smcFunc['db_insert']('replace', '{db_prefix}log_topics', array( 'id_member' => 'int', 'id_topic' => 'int', 'id_msg' => 'int', ), array( $user_info['id'], $topic, $modSettings['maxMsgID'], ), array('id_member', 'id_topic') );
Usage $smcFunc['db_insert_id'] (table, field, connect)
- Will return exact same results as mysql_insert_id.
- Emulated while using PostgreSQL with smf_db_insert_id.
- Table holds the table name that was affected.
- Field holds the name of the field that was affected.
$bcinfo['id_poll'] = $smcFunc['db_insert_id']('{db_prefix}polls', 'id_poll');
Usage $smcFunc['db_num_rows'] ($result)
- Will return exact same results as mysql_num_rows.
if ($smcFunc['db_num_rows']($request) == 0) fatal_lang_error('admin_file_not_found', true, array($_REQUEST['filename']));
Usage $smcFunc['db_data_seek'] ($result, row_number)
- Will return exact same results as mysql_data_seek.
- Emulated while using PostgreSQL with db_data_seek.
- Row_number is the row number you wish the pointer to be at.
// Start from the beginning... if ($reset) return @$smcFunc['db_data_seek']($messages_request, 0);
Usage $smcFunc['db_num_fields'] ($result)
- Will return exact same results as mysql_num_fields.
// Get the fields in this row... $field_list = array(); for ($j = 0; $j < $smcFunc['db_num_fields']($result); $j++) { // Try to figure out the type of each field. (NULL, number, or 'string'.) if (!isset($row[$j])) $field_list[] = 'NULL'; elseif (is_numeric($row[$j])) $field_list[] = $row[$j]; else $field_list[] = ''' . $smcFunc['db_escape_string']($row[$j]) . '''; }
Usage $smcFunc['db_escape_string'] (uncleaned_string)
- MySQL databases use addslashes function instead of mysql_escape_string.
- Does not require a database connection to use this.
// Add slashes to every element, even the indexes! foreach ($var as $k => $v) $new_var[$smcFunc['db_escape_string']($k)] = escapestring__recursive($v);
Usage $smcFunc['db_unescape_string'] (cleaned_string)
- MySQL databases use stripslashes function.
- PostgreSQL databases will emulate this with smf_postg_unescape_string.
- SQlite databases will emulate this with smf_sqlite_unescape_string.
- Does not require a database connection to use this.
// Strip the slashes from every element. foreach ($var as $k => $v) $new_var[$smcFunc['db_unescape_string']($k)] = unescapestring__recursive($v);
Usage $smcFunc['db_server_info'] (connection)
- Attempts to get database server information.
// Some MySQL versions are superior to others. $this->canDoBooleanSearch = version_compare($smcFunc['db_server_info']($db_connection), '4.0.1', '>=') == 1;
Usage $smcFunc['db_affected_rows'] (connection)
- Will return exact same results as mysql_affected_rows.
if ($smcFunc['db_affected_rows']() <= 0) { loadLanguage('Admin'); fatal_lang_error('salvaged_category_error', false); }
Usage $smcFunc['db_transaction'] (type, connection)
- Same as calling mysql queries for "BEGIN", "ROLLBACK", and "COMMIT".
- Accepts "begin", "rollback", and "commit".
$smcFunc['db_transaction']('begin'); // Do the table and indexes... $smcFunc['db_query'](''', $table_query, 'security_override' ); foreach ($index_queries as $query) $smcFunc['db_query'](''', $query, 'security_override' ); $smcFunc['db_transaction']('commit');
Usage $smcFunc['db_error'] (connection)
- Will return the exact same results as mysql_error.
- SQlite databases will emulate this with smf_sqlite_last_error, and the connection is ignored.
// Language files aren't loaded yet. $db_error = @$smcFunc['db_error']($db_connection); @mail($webmaster_email, $mbname . ': SMF Database Error!', 'There has been a problem with the database!' . ($db_error == ''' ? ''' : "" . $smcFunc['db_title'] . ' reported:' . "" . $db_error) . "" . 'This is a notice email to let you know that SMF could not connect to the database, contact your host if this continues.');
Usage $smcFunc['db_select_db'] (database_name, connection)
- Will return exact same results as mysql_select_db.
- PostgreSQL functions will have this return true always in postg_select_db. PostgreSQL has database selected upon creating the connection.
- SQlite will do nothing as there is only one database per file.
No Examples
Usage $smcFunc['db_title'] ()
- Name of the database being used. Such as MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQlite.
- Should not be called as a function, but used a string.
No Examples
Usage $smcFunc['db_sybase'] ()
- Tells SMF whether the Database uses sybase or not.
- PostgreSQL and SQlite use sybase, MySQL does not.
No Examples
Usage $smcFunc['db_case_sensitive'] ()
- Tells SMF whether the Database is case sensitive or not.
- PostgreSQL is case sensitive, MySQL and SQlite are not.
No Examples
Database Package Functions only.
The below functions only exist when using db_extend('packages');
Usage $smcFunc['db_add_column'] (string $table_name, array $column_info, array $parameters, string $if_exists, string $error)
This function allows for adding a column to a table.
- table_name
- an already existing table.
- column_info
- an array of data containing with keys
- string 'name' of the column
- string 'type' of the column
- int 'size' of the column if required by type.
- bool 'null', whether to use "null" or "not null"
- string/int 'default' should contain the default value for the column
- bool' auto' tells whether the column uses auto_increment or not.
- bool 'unsigned' (true/false) specifies whether the column is unsigned or not.
- an array of data containing with keys
- parameters
- deprecated as of 2.0 RC3, leave empty
- if_exists
- controls what to do if the column exists
- 'update' - updates the column
- controls what to do if the column exists
- error
- what to do if an error was encountered
- fatal - Default
- what to do if an error was encountered
Returns bool true if column added (changed); false otherwise
Usage $smcFunc['db_add_index'] (table_name, index_info, parameters, if_exists, error)
This function allows for adding an index to a table.
- table_name - an already existing table
- index_info - an array of data as follows:
- string 'type' - index type. Can be one of 'primary', 'unique', or 'index'. Leave this entry out to keep a regular index.
- string 'name' - name of index, can be left blank to use first column name.
- 'array 'columns' - column names
- parameters
- none, leave empty
- if_exists
- controls what to do if the index exists
- 'update' - updates the index but overwrites if primary
- controls what to do if the index exists
- error
- what to do if an error was encountered
- fatal - Default
- what to do if an error was encountered
Returns bool false if no columns specified
Usage $smcFunc['db_calculate_type'] (type_name, type_size, reverse)
This function will calculate the type and size for a column.
- type_name should be the type of the column.
- type_size contains the size of the column (can be empty
- reverse whether or not to reverse things
Returns array the first value is the type, and the second value is the size
Usage $smcFunc['db_change_column'] (table_name, old_column, column_info, parameters, error)
This function allows for changing an existing column structure.
- table_name - an already existing table
- old_column - the name of the column to change
- column_info - an array of data containing with keys
- string 'name' of the column
- string 'type' of the column
- int 'size' of the column if required by type.
- bool 'null', whether to use "null" or "not null"
- string/int 'default' should contain the default value for the column
- bool' auto' tells whether the column uses auto_increment or not.
- bool 'unsigned' (true/false) specifies whether the column is unsigned or not.
- parameters
- deprecated as of 2.0 RC3, leave empty
- error
- what to do if an error was encountered
- fatal - Default
- what to do if an error was encountered
Returns bool true if column added (changed); false otherwise
Usage $smcFunc['db_create_table'] (table_name, columns, indexes, parameters, if_exists, error)
This function allows for creating a table. You can not create a SMF default table.
- table_name - name of the table
- columns - a multi-dimensional array containing the columns to be in the table. The first-level elements are used as individual columns, depicted by the example. The second-level items are the column details as seen below.
- string 'name' of the column
- string 'type' of the column
- int 'size' of the column if required by type.
- bool 'null', whether to use "null" or "not null"
- string/int 'default' should contain the default value for the column
- bool' auto' tells whether the column uses auto_increment or not.
- bool 'unsigned' (true/false) specifies whether the column is unsigned or not.
- indexes - a multi-dimensional array containing the indexes to be in the table. The first-level elements are used as individual indexes, depicted by the example. The second-level items are the index details as seen below.
- string 'type' - index type. Can be one of 'primary', 'unique', or 'index'. Leave this entry out to keep a regular index.
- string 'name' - name of index, can be left blank to use first column name.
- 'array 'columns' - column names
- parameters
- deprecated as of 2.0 RC3, leave empty
- if_exists - controls what to do if the table exists.
- 'ignore' will do nothing if the table exists. (And will return true)
- 'overwrite' will drop any existing table of the same name.
- 'error' will return false if the table already exists.
- error - what to do if an error was encountered
- fatal - Default
Returns bool false if the table name was a SMF table.
$columns = array( array( 'name' => 'id_article', 'type' => 'int', 'size' => 10, 'unsigned' => true, 'auto' => true, ), array( 'name' => 'id_category', 'type' => 'int', 'size' => 10, 'unsigned' => true, ), array( 'name' => 'poster_time', 'type' => 'int', 'size' => 10, 'unsigned' => true, ), array( 'name' => 'content', 'type' => 'text', ), ); $indexes = array( array( 'type' => 'primary', 'columns' => array('id_article') ), array( 'columns' => array('id_category') ), ); $smcFunc['db_create_table']('{db_prefix}articles', $columns, $indexes, array(), 'update_remove'); $columns = array( array( 'name' => 'id_category', 'type' => 'int', 'size' => 10, 'unsigned' => true, 'auto' => true, ), array( 'name' => 'name', 'type' => 'tinytext', ), ); $indexes = array( array( 'type' => 'primary', 'columns' => array('id_category') ), ); $smcFunc['db_create_table']('{db_prefix}article_categories', $columns, $indexes, array(), 'update_remove');
Usage $smcFunc['db_drop_table'] (table_name, parameters, error)
- with db_extend('packages');
- This function allows for removal a table. You can not delete a SMF default table.
- Table_name can have a database prefix. If you specific a database prefix, add 'no_prefix' to the parameters.
- Parameters contains special items such in an array such as 'no_prefix' to not auto add a the database prefix.
Usage $smcFunc['db_table_structure'] (table_name)
- with db_extend('packages');
- This function returns the structure of a table.
- If you need to specific the database prefix use {db_prefix}.
- Returns with an array with table name, columns, and indexes.
Usage $smcFunc['db_list_columns'] (table_name, detail)
- with db_extend('packages');
- This function returns the current columns in a table in a multi-dimensional array
- If you need to specific the database prefix use {db_prefix}.
- If 'detail' is specified a formated array will be returned of the column info, otherwise the plain straight column info is returned. The detailed array is 'name', 'null', 'default', 'type', 'size', 'auto'.
Usage $smcFunc['db_list_indexes'] (table_name, detail)
- with db_extend('packages');
- This function returns the current indexes in a table in a multi-dimensional array
- If you need to specific the database prefix use {db_prefix}.
- If 'detail' is specified a formated array will be returned of the index info, otherwise the plain straight index info is returned. The detailed array is 'name', 'type', 'columns'
Usage $smcFunc['db_remove_column'] (table_name, column_name, parameters, error)
- with db_extend('packages');
- This function removes a column
- Table_name can have a database prefix. If you specific a database prefix, add 'no_prefix' to the parameters.
Usage $smcFunc['db_remove_index'] (table_name, index_name, parameters, error)
- with db_extend('packages');
- This function removes a index
- Table_name can have a database prefix. If you specific a database prefix, add 'no_prefix' to the parameters.