Search/sr-el From Online Manual

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Ukoliko vas zanimaju podešavanja pretrage, pogledajte stranicu Pretraga (za administratore)

Pod pretpostavkom da forum ima podrazumevanu SMF temu (ili njoj sličnu), trebalo bi postojati polje Pretraga (u kombinaciji sa tekstualnom vezom Napredna pretraga text link) u skupljivom delu na vrhu i opcija Pretraga u glavnom meniju . Ako to nije slučaj, opcija glavnog menija Pretraga vodi direktno na ekran napredne pretrage.

I ako je moguće jednostavno upisati (i pretraživati) bilo koju kombinaciju znakova, treba razmotriti korišćenje navoda za što primereniju pretragu, da bi pretraga funkcionisala što bolje.

Polje za jednostavnu pretragu koje se nalazi u vrhu teme će kada pregledate temu filtrirati rezultate pretrage na samo tu temu. Isti slučaj je za forume, kada pregledate neki forum polje za pretragu filtrira rezultate samo na teme i poruke u tom foumu.

Jednostavna pretraga

Za korišćenje jednostavne pretrage (ukoliko je omogućena), gore objašnjena osnovna sintaksa je sve što je potrebno koristiti. Ipak treba znati da ovaj pogon može pretraživati čitav forum za bilo koji i sve specificirane pojmove objavljene u zadnjih 9999 dana (Što je više od 27 godina)! Za veću kontrolu pretrage, preporučljivo je koristiti naprednu pretragu.

Napredna pretraga

Although the advanced search screen might initially seem a little intimidating if a forum has many boards and child boards, it's surprisingly straightforward when reduced to its basic components.

  • Some forums show the navigation tree at the top in a space-saving horizontal mode.
  • Despite initial appearances, there are really three options for how to search, with Match all words and Match any words being available from the drop-down, and "Match as phrase" still being available.
  • The default * in the by user field is essentially a wildcard matching any poster. Please note that, while you can replace this with any single username for a more specific search, it's not currently possible to search for posts by multiple users except as that single wildcard.
  • Show results as messages returns the full message containing the search string (with a reply option) instead of the usual linked excerpt, but will naturally result in much larger results pages which might be significant if you are searching for a popular word or phrase.
  • Message age sets the minimum and maximum ages of posts to search.
  • Choose a board to search in provides you with another tool to narrow the scope of the search, with the default being 'all' (the whole forum or, more properly, all the boards to which you have read access).
  • The Search button not surprisingly sets the whole thing in motion, but hitting 'Enter' direct from any of the search fields is sometimes more convenient.


Using the simple or advanced search methods, you can still use search modifiers. That is, powerful special characters which modify the way SMF handles your search string.

  • Phrase search - use double quotes (") around your term ("search term") to search for the search term as a phrase instead of individual words.
  • Excluding terms - use a minus sign in front of terms you'd like to exclude from the search result. For instance, "search -term" will search for "search" but not "term". The minus sign must have a space prior to it.

More search modifiers may be found at Google's help page. Although, not all of them may be useful in SMF at the present time.

Search options

See Search (admin) for options for the administrator to configure searching.
