SMF1.1:Permissions: Difference between revisions From Online Manual

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mNo edit summary
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*If you want a permission to be disallowed, you must have option D in at least one group. It does not matter if other options are A or X.
*If you want a permission to be disallowed, you must have option D in at least one group. It does not matter if other options are A or X.
You should not use D too much. Its a good idea to use special private membergroups  just to Deny some permissions. If you don't want some members to use e.g. private messages, you can set up a private membergroup with a descriptive name like "no-pm" and for that membergroup, set the permissions for pm to D. Every member of that group is not allowed pm's regardless of the other groups they belong. If you change your mind about that setting you can find easily which membergroup restricts pm's and reset it.
You should not use D too much. Its a good idea to use special private membergroups  just to Deny some permissions. If you don't want some members to use e.g. private messages, you can set up a private membergroup with a descriptive name like "no-pm" and for that membergroup, set the permissions for pm to D. Every member of that group is not allowed pm's regardless of the other groups they belong. If you change your mind about that setting you can find easily which membergroup restricts pm's and reset it.
{{ {{Localized|As an administrator}}}}
{{As an administrator}}

Revision as of 12:37, 15 August 2013

From this section, four tabbed pages are available: General Permissions, Board Permissions, Edit Profiles, Post Moderation, Settings

General Permissions

This tabbed page shows a list of all membergroups, along with a few stats. On the right of each membergroup is a checkbox and a modify link. The checkbox allows the administrator to apply the advanced options to make quick and easy changes to the membergroup permission profiles. The modify link allows the administrator to customize each permission for the usergroup.

Advanced Options

These options allow you to quickly make changes to membergroups. To use them, first select one or more membergroups above by checking the box on the same line with the membergroup name. Then choose to do one of the things listed in the With selection box. When you have completed your selections, use the Set permissions button to make the changes.

For every membergroup selected above:

  • Apply pre-defined permission set: Select one of the profile types from the option list to reset permission profilesto one of these four choices.
  • Set permissions like this group: Select the name of one of the membergroups from the option list to reset permission profiles to match the membergroup you select here.
  • Add/Clear/Deny permission Select Add permission, Clear Permission or Deny Permission from the option list, then select a permission from the (Select a permission) option list.


Use the Modify link to the right of the membergroup name to individual set one or more permissions for the user. Please see List of Permissions for more information on all the permissions, and Moderator for more information on how this special membergroup works.

Board Permissions

On this tabbed page, every board is listed, along with the Board Permission Profile applied to it.

A more detailed section, on this, can be found at Board Permissions

Edit Profiles

This tabbed page provides ways to create new profiles and edit, delete, or rename existing profiles.

Edit Profiles

All the existing profiles are listed along with the number of boards using each profile. From this table is also possible to delete profiles by checking the checkbox on the right corresponding to the profile that should be removed and then selecting the button Remove Selected.

New Profile

  • Profile Name - In this box is possible to define the name of the new profile.
  • Copy Permissions From - By selecting one of the existing profiles from this dropdown box the permissions from this profile will be used for the newly created profile.


Most of your profiles can be renamed. Four board permission profiles (Default, No Polls, Reply Only, and Read Only) cannot be renamed. When the Rename button is selected, all the profiles you have created can be renamed. Rename one or all of them, and select the Save Changes button.

Remove Selected

Any profile you created can be removed. Four board permission profiles (Default, No Polls, Reply Only, and Read Only) cannot be removed. Select the check box on the same line as the profile you wish to remove, and select the Remove Selected button.

Post Moderation

In this section admins can define the actions that require Post Moderation for each permission profile. This is a shortcut way of changing some of the permissions in the board permission profiles.

The administrator must first select a profile from the option list and select the go button. For each listed profile, there are four user actions for which post moderation permissions can be set. Each one corresponds to board permissions in the corresponding profile. For each of these user actions, three post moderation options are available.

  • Post moderation allow.gif - Can Create. The members can perform the action without moderation.
  • Post moderation moderate.gif - Can Create but Requires Approval. The members can perform the action, but approval is required before becoming visible to all other members.
  • Post moderation deny.gif - Cannot Create. The member cannot perform the action.

User Action Post moderation allow.gif Post moderation moderate.gif Post moderation deny.gif
New Topics Post new topics, without requiring approval Post new topics, but hide until approved (neither allowed)
Own Replies Post replies to topics, without requiring approval, own topic Post replies to topics, but hide until approved, own topic (neither allowed)
Any Replies Post replies to topics, without requiring approval, any topic Post replies to topics, but hide until approved, any topic (neither allowed)
Attachments Post attachments, but hide until approved Post attachments, without requiring approval (neither allowed)


  • Membergroups allowed to manage permissions - Administrators can select which membergroups are allowed to manage permissions.
  • Enable the option to deny permissions - Once enabled along with granting permissions it will be possible also to deny any permission. Denied permissions are not allowed even if the member belong to another membergroup for which the permission is granted.
  • Enable permissions for post count based groups - Determines whether or not membergroups based on post count can be used to manage permissions.

List of Permissions

There are five categories of permissions in a standard SMF install. Some SMF modifications may add additional permissions to this list. Some modifications may add new categories of permissions.

The Board permissions are different from the other four categories of permissions. This is because any forum may have several boards, and membergroups may have different permissions on different boards. Each Board Permission Profile is a list of the entire set of Board Permissions for each membergroup.

The other four categories of permissions are only seen and set in the Administration Center » Permissions » General Permissions tabbed page. They are not part of the Board Permission Profiles.


  • View forum statistics - The collected statistics of an SMF forum that can be found in the Info Center
  • View the memberlist - A list of all registered members of an SMF forum. It can be found in the Info Center
  • View Who's Online - A summary of who's on an SMF forum, and it can be found in the Info Center
  • Search for posts and topics - Allows users to search the forums using keywords and phrases. Can be found in the navigation bar.
  • Change other people's karma - Allows users to edit the karma of other users. This displays as +X/-X or +X beside the posts of members, where X is the member's karma totals.


  • View the calendar - Determines whether or not a user can view the calendar of an SMF forum. It can be found in the navigation bar.
  • Create events in the calendar - Determines whether or not a user can create new events in the calendar.
  • Edit events in the calendar - Determines whether or not a user can edit events in the calendar.

Forum Administration

  • Administrate forum and database - Determines whether or not a user can change database connection properties, edit server settings, etc.
  • Manage boards and categories - Determines whether or not users can create, modify, and/or delete boards and categories.
  • Manage attachments and avatars - Determines whether or not users can manage and delete attachments on the forum.
  • Manage smileys - Determines whether or not a user can change smiley sets, delete smileys, and change smiley options.
  • Edit news - Determines whether or not a user can edit the forum's news.

Member administration

  • Moderate forum members - Determines whether or not a user can register users manually, track IP addresses, online status, etc.
  • Manage and assign membergroups - Determines whether or not users can create, manage, or delete membergroups.
  • Manage permissions - Determines whether or not users can manage member permissions.
  • Manage ban list - Determines whether or not a user can ban other members and/or discontinue bans.
  • Send a forum email to members - Determines whether or not a user can send an e-mail in bulk to all members or individual membergroups; this keeps the users from having to reveal their own e-mail addresses.

Personal Messaging Read personal messages - Determines whether or not a user can view personal messages sent to him or her.

  • Send personal messages - Determines whether or not a user can send personal messages to other members.

Member Profiles

  • View profile summary and stats - Determines whether or not a user can view profile summaries and member stats.
  • Edit account settings - Determines whether or not a user can edit their own account's settings as well as the account settings of all members.
  • Edit additional profile settings -Determines whether or not users can edit individual forum preferences such as their avatar, theme preferences, notifications and Personal Message settings. If this is not checked, the user will be forced to use the default settings
  • Edit custom title - Determines whether or not users can edit their custom titles.
  • Delete account- Determines whether or not a member can delete their account or other members' accounts.
  • Select an avatar from the server - Determines whether or not a user can select an avatar from the avatars uploaded on the forum.
  • Upload an avatar to the server - Determines whether or not a user can upload their personal avatar to the server.
  • Choose a remotely stored avatar - Determines if a user can use an avatar from another server or site.

Board Permissions


  • Moderate board - Determines whether or not people in this membergroup can moderate the boards they have access to. With this permission users can reply to locked topics, change poll expiration time and view poll results.


  • Post new topics - Determines whether or not people in this membergroup can post new topics.
  • Merge any topic - Determines whether or not people in this membergroup can merge topics.
  • Split any topic - Determines whether or not people in this membergroup can split topics.
  • Send topics to friends - Determines whether or not people in this membergroup can send topics to their friends via email.
  • Make topics sticky - Determines whether or not people in this membergroup can make some topics sticky topics.
  • Move topic - Determines whether or not people in this membergroup can move their own topics, all topics, or no topics at all.
  • Lock topics - Determines whether or not people in this membergroup can lock their own topics, all topics, or no topics at all.
  • Remove topics - Determines whether or not people in this membergroup can remove their own topics, all topics, or no topics at all.
  • Post replies to topics - Determines whether or not people in this membergroup can Post replies to their own topics, all topics, or no topics at all.
  • Modify replies to own topics - Determines whether or not people in this membergroup can modify replies to their own topics.
  • Delete replies to own topics - Determines whether or not people in this membergroup can delete replies to their own topics.
  • Announce topic - Determines whether or not people in this membergroup can announce (send topic by email or private message) their topics.


  • Delete posts - Determines whether or not people in this membergroup can delete their own posts, all posts, or no posts at all.
  • Modify posts - Determines whether or not people in this membergroup can modify their own posts, all posts, or no posts at all.
  • Report posts to the moderators - Determines whether or not people in this membergroup will be able to report posts to the forum moderators that receive forum notifications.


  • View polls - Determines whether or not people in this membergroup will be able to view polls.
  • Vote in polls - Determines whether or not people in this membergroup will be able to vote in polls they can see.
  • Post Polls - Determines whether or not people in this membergroup will be able to make their own polls.
  • Add poll to topics - Determines whether or not people in this membergroup are allowed to add polls to existing topics. The forum admins can choose whether they must have posted the topic, or if they can add it to any Topic they can see.
  • Edit polls - Determines whether or not people in this membergroup can edit their polls, any polls, or no polls at all. This permission allows a user to edit the polls options, reset the poll, edit the maximum number of votes, and edit the expiration time of the poll. In order to edit the maximum number of votes and the expiration time a user needs to have the 'Moderate board' permission.
  • Lock polls - Determines whether or not people in this membergroup can lock their own polls, any polls, or no polls at all.
  • Remove polls - Determines whether or not people in this membergroup can remove their own polls, any polls, or no polls at all.


  • Request notification on replies - Determines whether or not people in this membergroup will be able to request notification on replies to topics they select.
  • Request notification on new topics - Determines whether or not people in this membergroup will be able to request notification when new topics get posted in a board.


  • View Attachments - Determines whether or not people in this membergroup can view attachments.
  • Post Attachments - Determines whether or not people in this membergroup can post attachments on topics.

About Permissions


SMF's permissions are so powerful because they can be set for each individual permission to three options rather than just on or off.

  • A - This option gives user current permission
  • X - This option does not give the user current permission
  • D - This option denies the user current permission

Things get really interesting when a user belongs to 2 or more membergroups with different options (A, X or D) for the same permission.

Member belongs to 2 membergroups

In this example a member belongs to only 2 different membergroups with different options for some permissions:

permissions option from group A option from group B Result for permission explanation
permission 1 A A allowed obviously
permission 2 A X allowed A wins X
permission 3 A D not allowed D wins A
permission 4 X X not allowed obvious too
permission 2 X D not allowed D wins X
permission 3 D D not allowed is this obvious or what?

In short: D wins A which wins X

Member belongs to 3 or more membergroups

  • If you want a permission to be allowed, then you must have option A in at least one group and no D.
  • If you want a permission to be disallowed, then you must have all options X, or
  • If you want a permission to be disallowed, you must have option D in at least one group. It does not matter if other options are A or X.

You should not use D too much. Its a good idea to use special private membergroups just to Deny some permissions. If you don't want some members to use e.g. private messages, you can set up a private membergroup with a descriptive name like "no-pm" and for that membergroup, set the permissions for pm to D. Every member of that group is not allowed pm's regardless of the other groups they belong. If you change your mind about that setting you can find easily which membergroup restricts pm's and reset it.






