Online Manual:Translation Portal From Online Manual

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This is a project page for Translators. Translators can check in here to find out what they can do. If you have any questions about this information, or suggestions for improving this page, please discuss in the Doc Helpers board

Languages to Translate

Below is a list of the 40 languages which SMF has been translated into. The links show the percentage of the translation completed in the Translation Extension for each language. This is the place to check to see what still needs to be translated. If the English text of these pages is modified, translations may need to be updated, so also please keep checking for updates from the Documentation Team in the Documentation Help board regarding changes to these pages. If the language you are interested in translating is not in this list feel free to contact the Documentation team at the above email address and let us know which language you want to translate and we will work with you on seeing if you can add it.

How to translate these pages

These translations will be done using a wiki extension called the Translate extension, provided by the translatewiki team. To begin, go to the base page to be translated. If you have permission to translate, you will see a link titled "Translate this page" before the content of the page. Follow the link to the Translate form. You'll see the page's name listed in "Group". Choose the language from the drop-down list, and hit the "Fetch" button.

You will see all the language strings which need to be translated. The translation tool calls them messages. The link for the language message is on the left, and the content is on the right. Click on the link to start an editing window for that message. Above the editing window, you will see the source text, labeled "Message definition". In the textarea below, you may begin typing in the translation. If you wish, enter a Summary to discribe the changes you have made. When you have completed translating the language message, you must use the "Save page" button to save the language message you are editing on this page.

For more information on translating, please see the Page translation feature documentation from the translatewiki team

How to translate a template

In wikimedia a template is a special page that can be used within other pages to repeat consistently informations and/or structures (e.g. boxes like Template:Version specific). Templates can contain HTML, formatting entities, logical constructs and of course text. HTML, formatting and logical operators must not be translated, while text should be.

The translation of a template follows a different approach then the translation of a normal page.

Tips and trick about translations

Headlines, templates, other formatting and line spacing

Just noticed:

{{Other languages}}
===View All Members===

will result in the headline no being properly displayed in translated pages (i.e. the triple equals doesn't get translated to a heading and remains as it is). To solve the issue, please use an empty line between the last template and the translate tag:

{{Other languages}}

===View All Members===

The same applies to any kind of text: always leave a white line between the templates at the beginning of the page and the translate tag.


Once a page is marked for translation is impossible to "revoke" this mark and let the page behave like a normal one. The same applies to redirects too.
But redirects are more complicated: for example if the content of a page (let's say page_A) is moved to another page (page_B for this example), page_A is redirected to page_B and page_B is marked for translation, the translate extension will show the entries twice. Additionally if a placeholder is used in the redirect (e.g.   in page_A) and is marked for translation, for sure if the id of the translation unit is the same as one of the ids in page_B there will be problems in particular while translating the unit with the same name.

The workaround used temporarily is to avoid the redirect and use a message in the page that should contain the redirect with a link to the new page and being sure that there are no conflicts between .

Alternative solution to be tested
Use a placeholder in the redirect page and name the translation unit something totally different from any other unit in the proper page.
