¡Accidentalmente perdí mi cuenta de "Admin"! ¿Qué puedo hacer? From Online Manual

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Si Ud. elimina acidentalmente su cuenta de administrador, necesitará registrarse de nuevo y ejecutar la consulta adecuada a su versión de SMF en phpMyAdmin.

Si Ud. solo pierde su Grupo de Usuarios y sus privilegios en el Foro debido a un error o conversión, necesitará ejecutar la consulta adecuada a su versión de SMF. Afortunadamente, en este caso, no tendrá que registrar su cuenta de nuevo.

Script para SMF 2.0: administrate.php

El Script administrate.php para SMF 2.0 ha sido creado para solucionar este problema. Este Script no tiene soporte oficial, así que úselo bajo su propia responsabilidad. Asegúrese de realizar un back up de su Base de Datos antes de empezar.

Para empezar:

  1. Conéctese en el Foro.
  2. Suba el archivo, administrate.php, al directorio de su Foro (donde se encuentra el archivo SSI.php).
  3. Usando su navegador, visite administrate.php.

Otros Enfoques

Configurando una cuenta de Nuevo Usuario como Admin

The queries below will add you back as an administrator on an SMF forum. Do not forget to replace smf_ with your database prefix. These queries can be run from within phpMyAdmin, or, if you do not have phpMyAdmin installed, from a simple single-purpose script.

For SMF 1.1, run this query:

UPDATE smf_members SET ID_GROUP = '1' WHERE memberName = 'adminsusername'

For SMF 2.0, run this query:

UPDATE smf_members SET id_group = '1' WHERE member_name = 'adminsusername'

In addition, SMF 2.0 allows you to re-attribute posts: Administration Center > Forum Maintenance > Reattribute User Posts. You just need to fill in the form using the e-mail address or username of the old user account, and the username for the member who is to have those posts. This only works for guest posts (remaining posts from deleted members are considered guest posts).

Creating a Single-Purpose Script

Follow these instructions:

  1. Create a PHP file called createadmin.php.
  2. Copy and paste within this file the code below, according to your SMF version.
  3. Replace adminusername with the login name you want to set as admin.
  4. Using FTP upload 'createadmin.php to your forum directory, which is the same directory that has SSI.php in it.
  5. Run the script, accessing it from your browser by URL as
  6. Afterwards, make sure to delete createadmin.php from your forum's directory.

For SMF 1.1:


// Pick a username to be the new admin user -- use the login name, not the display name


// You should not need to change anything past this point in the script.
//Here we include SSI for globals used within the sql statement
global $db_prefix;

//  Now run the query.
$querystring='UPDATE ' . $db_prefix . 'members
SET ID_GROUP = \'1\' WHERE memberName = \'' . $yourusername . '\'';
$adminsquirt = db_query($querystring, __FILE__,  __LINE__);

echo $yourusername . ' should now be an admin';

For SMF 2.0:


// Pick a username to be the new admin user -- use the login name, not the display name
$yourusername = 'adminusername';


// You should not need to change anything past this point in the script.
// Here we include SSI for globals used within the sql statement

// Now run the query to elevate the user to administrator
// Also make sure that the account is activated!
$smcFunc['db_query']('', '
	UPDATE {db_prefix}members
	SET id_group = {int:admingrp},
		is_activated = {int:is_activated}
	WHERE member_name = {string:name}',
		'admingrp' => 1,
		'is_activated' => 1,
		'name' => $yourusername,

echo $yourusername . ' should now be an admin';

I Need Admin to Activate the New Account before I Can Log in

Solution: turn off account activation altogether. In phpMyAdmin, or in a single-purpose script, run the appropriate query for your version of SMF. Afterwards, be sure to set account activation back the way you want it.

For SMF 1.1:

UPDATE smf_members SET is_activated = 1 WHERE memberName = 'yourusername';

For SMF 2.0:

The SSI PHP script above will automatically activate the account, but if you prefer to use phpMyAdmin directly then the following query will activate the user:

UPDATE smf_members SET is_activated = 1 WHERE member_name = 'yourusername';

I Forgot My Password and I Cannot Create a New Account

In phpMyAdmin, or in a single-purpose script, run this query:

UPDATE {$db_prefix}_settings SET value = 0 WHERE variable = 'registration_method';

Afterwards, be sure to set the registration method the way you want it.

I Need to Create a New Account for Admin, but My Forum is in Maintenance Mode

If maintenance mode is preventing you from registering a new account, you can disable it in Settings.php.

Resetting the Password of an Admin User

Follow these instructions:

  1. Use phpMyAdmin (or similar) to locate (within the "_members" table) the member whose password is to be reset.
  2. In the database field entitled "passwd", enter a new password using plain text.
  3. Clear out (erase) any existing content in the database field entitled "password_salt".

The next time the member logs in (using the new password), SMF will automatically re-encrypt the user's credentials.
