Online Manual:Translation Portal From Online Manual

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This is a project page for Translators. Translators can check in here to find out what they can do. If you have any questions about this information, or suggestings for improving this page, please discuss at Online Manual talk:Translation Portal

Pages Ready for Translation

These pages appear in the new help tab, and are ready for translation

  • Posting - The whole point of a forum, posting allows users to express themselves.
  • Bulletin Board Code - Posts can be spiced up with a little BBC.
  • Memberlist - The memberlist shows all the members of a forum.
  • Features- Here is a list of the most popular features in SMF.
  • Registering - Many forums require users to register to gain full access.
  • Search - Searching is an extremely helpful tool for finding information in posts and topics.

How to translate these pages

These translations will be done using a wiki extension called the Translate extension, provided by the translatewiki team. To begin, go the base page to be translated. If you have permission to translate, you will see a link titled "Translate this page" before the content of the page. Follow the link to the Translate form. You'll see the page's name listed in "Group". Choose the language from the drop-down list, and hit the "Fetch" button.

You will see all the language strings which need to be translated. The translation tool calls them messages. The link for the language message is on the left, and the content is on the right. Click on the link to start an editing window for that message. Above the editing window, you will see the source text, labelled "Message definition". In the textarea below, you may begin typing in the translation. When you have completed translating the language message, you must use the "Save page" button to save the language message you are editing on this page.

For more information on translating, please see the Page translation feature documentation from the translatewiki team

Hey! What happened to the translation I did earlier?

We've had to do a bit of work around the wiki to get translation set up. And we really do appreciate you having tried out translation with or without the tools earlier. It helped us see how things were going to work. We apologize for all the confusing changes. When the wiki moves out of beta, there won't be as many confusing changes.

Fortunately, the wiki always saves older versions of things. So if you worked on translating part of Registering/nl but don't see it now -- click the history button to see As long as it is still a good match for the one of the current language "messages", you can just copy and paste it into the correct message. Thanks for your help and your patience.

Pages not yet ready for translation

These pages already appear in the help tab. Each one requires some work. As each file becomes "stable", it will be released for translation.

  • Profile - Each member has their own personal profile.
  • Calendar - Users can keep track of events, holidays, and birthdays with the calendar.
  • Personal Messages - Users can send personal messages to each other.

Some things site admins would like to do to make translation easier and better

We are in the early stages of translating pages on the wiki, so we are still learning about the best way to get everything set up, and about any problems that might arise. Please let us know if you run into difficulties, or need more information.

Here is our plan to get the wiki ready for translation:

  1. Make sure the translate extension is in place and working well. (good to go!)
  2. Make sure the pages are all in a final version and a "translator friendly" state (Some pages are ready now!)
  3. Add information the translators need
    • How to find pages that need translation (Special:PageTranslation)
    • Create our own local guide to translation, so we don't have to depend on the teams documentation
